I’m just astonished that it’s considered more cost effective to create disease resistant frankenfish than to, you know, feed them better and keep them in cleaner conditions so they don’t die so much. And, how awful are these farm conditions that CATFISH, the garbage dumpster bottom feeders of the aquatic ecosystem, can’t be brought to maturity in sufficient numbers to be profitable?
I’m reminded of a humorous piece about hippies with two flakey cars, one (US-made) with a wrecked engine but good steering, the other (Japanese) with a good engine but lousy steering. Car #2’s front bumper was tied to Car #1’s rear bumper, to motorvate both vehicles down the road… but they were busted in Alabama for miscegenation (race-mixing). Right. 😎
In the USA South, will ‘gator+catfish hybrids be praised, or outlawed?
Dibbix says
releasethedogs says
What could go wrong?
“Some have ethical concerns about the method, but the hybrid catfish are unable to reproduce because of the way the genes are swapped.”
#Life finds a way!!
Haven’t you seen Jurassic Park?
EPscumbag says
Sounds delicious
GenPhallus says
They’re supposed to be sterile – but so were the cazadores and nightstalkers and the dinos in Jurassic park
badtouchmacdirt says
A Syfy movie from the 2000s come to life
ShotPut4668 says
Noodling just got a whole lot riskier.
rimjobnemesis says
War Eagle
woodwitchofthewest says
I’m just astonished that it’s considered more cost effective to create disease resistant frankenfish than to, you know, feed them better and keep them in cleaner conditions so they don’t die so much. And, how awful are these farm conditions that CATFISH, the garbage dumpster bottom feeders of the aquatic ecosystem, can’t be brought to maturity in sufficient numbers to be profitable?
Chard069 says
I’m reminded of a humorous piece about hippies with two flakey cars, one (US-made) with a wrecked engine but good steering, the other (Japanese) with a good engine but lousy steering. Car #2’s front bumper was tied to Car #1’s rear bumper, to motorvate both vehicles down the road… but they were busted in Alabama for miscegenation (race-mixing). Right. 😎
In the USA South, will ‘gator+catfish hybrids be praised, or outlawed?
Ground2ChairMissile says
This Saturday, on SyFy…
supapoopascoopa says
This won’t end well
curds-and-whey-HEY says
I can’t choose between murderous bottom feeders or death rolling catfish
[deleted] says