How awfully bad Santos is at concealing his crimes is just hilarious. Like how politicians engage in shady financial activity constantly but none of them are ever prosecuted? Some of the decisions he made seem to lack all sense of logic. Like there are a ton of $199 purchases he can’t account for, which is conveniently $1 less than the amount for which you need to keep a receipt from the government.
MerrillSwingAway says
goddamn, there is no rock bottom with this clown
skyggeee says
Reason No. 1: According to George Santos, he exists.
Buck_Thorn says
Of course there is reason to doubt it. Santos **said** that he exists.
bxtterfly_liv says
How awfully bad Santos is at concealing his crimes is just hilarious. Like how politicians engage in shady financial activity constantly but none of them are ever prosecuted? Some of the decisions he made seem to lack all sense of logic. Like there are a ton of $199 purchases he can’t account for, which is conveniently $1 less than the amount for which you need to keep a receipt from the government.