They should own the libs and do renewable better than the rest of society. Needs a slogan, I’m not a slogan guy but maybe something along the lines of “You guys suck, if you blew you’d have green energy and green is the color of money.”
Texas oil barons(love how they’ve given themselves titles of nobility) using their hired guns(republican lawmakers) to run roughshod over Texas taxpayers. “You WILL finance my business, making ME richer!” SMH.
Infernalism says
Well, of course they are. The monied interests that own the GOP in Texas must be appeased.
Plonsky2 says
It’s all about the money. It always is.
BeowulfsGhost says
What a bunch of short sighted dolts…
Wasn’t Texas the leader in wind energy?
Icannotgetagoodnick says
Texas and Florida are very reliable. If there’s a wrong side of history, you can be sure they’re there.
goeers81 says
*Senate Bill 2015 would also direct state regulators to encourage the marketing of gas-generated electricity as “green” energy.*
Hearts and minds, gotta win over those hearts and minds…
Kurtai85 says
Ah yes, Texas. The space between America’s balls and ass crack.
Brewing_Tea says
Oh, good! That means we’re not going to have power outages this winter, right?
We’re going to have heat this winter, right?
Bawbawian says
China’s out here getting Iran and Saudi Arabia to team up and these chuckle fucks are basing their energy policy on owning the libs.
I really wish conservatives loved America more than they hated Democrats.
SnarfbObo says
They should own the libs and do renewable better than the rest of society. Needs a slogan, I’m not a slogan guy but maybe something along the lines of “You guys suck, if you blew you’d have green energy and green is the color of money.”
needs work
Right-Fisherman-1234 says
Texas oil barons(love how they’ve given themselves titles of nobility) using their hired guns(republican lawmakers) to run roughshod over Texas taxpayers. “You WILL finance my business, making ME richer!” SMH.