before posting to r/nottheonion, we must ask ourselves “what would it look like if the actual onion posted this? would it fit there?” if the answer is no, then we should refrain from submitting it here
while very fucked up and deeply absurd, this story from texas is not “oniony”
nathan_barely says
before posting to r/nottheonion, we must ask ourselves “what would it look like if the actual onion posted this? would it fit there?” if the answer is no, then we should refrain from submitting it here
while very fucked up and deeply absurd, this story from texas is not “oniony”
misanthrope2327 says
When the left is calling for gun control, unfortunately this guy wouldn’t have been affected.
This is the kind of fucking arrogant red neck piece of shit makes me think it doesn’t go far enough. Fuck this guy.
bstowers says
This is my least favorite timeline.
littlebigman9 says
What an ass hat. Why didn’t he just shoot himself.
Brewing_Tea says
Ironically, he strangled them all