Why is he still employed? If the child had brought the gun from home the parents would have been pilloried, and rightly so. What does the board need two hearings to discuss??
You guys talking all kinda smack, but the superintendent had to put the weapon down for safety. It’s not that easy trying to wipe your ass with a loaded sidearm! The barrel goes up your butt. Every. Single. Time.
>He then went on to say he was “proud” of the student and commended his behavior after finding the firearm.
>“This is one of those examples of guns in schools.” Stuteville said. “Regardless of who takes responsibility, they are a considerable danger, and one should school their child to be on the lookout for any unusual placement of a weapon or anything out of place.”
Oh look. It’s exactly what all of the people afraid of bringing more guns into schools said would happen. If only there had been some way to prevent this very avoidable thing from happening… Guess we gotta start arming the janitors now.. /s
Downvote me but this shit needs to be criminalized. Part of the reason we have so many illegal guns is because people fail to secure them at all. Go to the mechanics sub to see all the guns people just leave on their seat or cup holder. If people we’re incentivized to actual maintain positive control of their firearm and lock it up when not in use we wouldn’t have so many guns stolen or just taken by mass shooters .
Zero1030 says
Let’s arm all the teachers nothing could possibly go wrong
P7BinSD says
Remember when they said arming teachers would help keep guns out of school?
Doobie_Howitzer says
He was just leaving his work gun at work, can’t have the home gun getting jealous of your car smelling like another gun afterall
loverlyone says
Why is he still employed? If the child had brought the gun from home the parents would have been pilloried, and rightly so. What does the board need two hearings to discuss??
sugar_addict002 says
Sounds like no repercussions for leaving a dangerous weapon in the bathroom. Welcome to Texas.
OneLongjumping4022 says
That’s the best dodge ever. Gosh, I wish drawing and quartering were still a thing.
SevroAuShitTalker says
And I’m surprised when people forget their phones in the bathroom
BucktoothedAvenger says
You guys talking all kinda smack, but the superintendent had to put the weapon down for safety. It’s not that easy trying to wipe your ass with a loaded sidearm! The barrel goes up your butt. Every. Single. Time.
euchrebot says
The 3rd grader has been punished for having a gun at school
samuelgato says
>He then went on to say he was “proud” of the student and commended his behavior after finding the firearm.
>“This is one of those examples of guns in schools.” Stuteville said. “Regardless of who takes responsibility, they are a considerable danger, and one should school their child to be on the lookout for any unusual placement of a weapon or anything out of place.”
keziahiris says
Oh look. It’s exactly what all of the people afraid of bringing more guns into schools said would happen. If only there had been some way to prevent this very avoidable thing from happening… Guess we gotta start arming the janitors now.. /s
dbeman says
As someone who has never owned or carried a firearm…what are you doing in a bathroom where you need to disarm yourself?
As a veteran educator…why is the superintendent not using the staff bathroom?
isekai-coffee says
stay classy texas
frenchfreer says
Downvote me but this shit needs to be criminalized. Part of the reason we have so many illegal guns is because people fail to secure them at all. Go to the mechanics sub to see all the guns people just leave on their seat or cup holder. If people we’re incentivized to actual maintain positive control of their firearm and lock it up when not in use we wouldn’t have so many guns stolen or just taken by mass shooters .
Mactan says
The parents of the 3rd grader should be charged with child endangerment. Failure to teach their child not to touch guns.