From what little I read, two black Democrats were expelled from a Republican controlled legislature for participating in a protest. Two black men were expelled while a participating white woman was not. That is a racist conspiracy to violate civil rights. If president Biden had the courage, he would arrest every legislator who voted for the expulsion.
“Throughout this conversation it felt like he wanted this to happen” Jesus fucking christ Republicans are so stupid, of course he did, the Republicans just gave him millions in free advertising to get two votes out of a state government they already control, this was the worst possible move they could make
God I hate this fucking situation, I love that my elected representatives are voting out 3 Democrats that broke some “House Rule” because they don’t agree with thier message. I listened to thier “Trial” and it was the lowest pettiest bullshit I’ve heard. Levy a penalty, don’t remove them from office for representing their constituents. Its a waste of Tennesseans time to oust 2 officials that had little power in the first place. The Republican Party already has a super majority, removing two representatives that represent nearly homogeneous districts is bad optics. Now we can see who represents us, shame few will change their vote.
InternetPeon says
Ooooh how exciting! It’s a scam!
Earnastus says
The Grift goes on
Throwaway08080909070 says
Everyone involved in this is pandering to their base.
Fake_William_Shatner says
In case anyone was actually convinced the expulsion was done out of principle.
SnowflowerSixtyFour says
GOP does something terrible, their voters give them money. Rinse, repeat.
david-z-for-mayor says
From what little I read, two black Democrats were expelled from a Republican controlled legislature for participating in a protest. Two black men were expelled while a participating white woman was not. That is a racist conspiracy to violate civil rights. If president Biden had the courage, he would arrest every legislator who voted for the expulsion.
swordchucks1 says
Just as a reminder, the Tennessee GOP believes that two black men yelling is worse than [admitting to multiple incidents of molestation](
pygmymetal says
The part that got me was the phrase “the prestige of the state of Tennessee “.
jayfeather31 says
As you’d expect them to do.
RheaButt says
“Throughout this conversation it felt like he wanted this to happen” Jesus fucking christ Republicans are so stupid, of course he did, the Republicans just gave him millions in free advertising to get two votes out of a state government they already control, this was the worst possible move they could make
Harleygold says
Raising money for being racist. Not a good look.
B1ackHawk12345 says
God I hate this fucking situation, I love that my elected representatives are voting out 3 Democrats that broke some “House Rule” because they don’t agree with thier message. I listened to thier “Trial” and it was the lowest pettiest bullshit I’ve heard. Levy a penalty, don’t remove them from office for representing their constituents. Its a waste of Tennesseans time to oust 2 officials that had little power in the first place. The Republican Party already has a super majority, removing two representatives that represent nearly homogeneous districts is bad optics. Now we can see who represents us, shame few will change their vote.