You know, I’ve had a thought; who am I to judge two consenting adults that mutually benefit from an undisclosed agreement?
One person gets sex, which they are desperate for. One person gets money, in which they are also desperate for.
Same goes for Leonardo Dicaprio. She may *barely* be an adult, but she is and she can make her own decisions to maybe not date a guy who goes through woman like a carton of milk. He’s an adult as well. Two adults doing adult things, so certainly don’t care what boring old me has to say.
That’s it, it’s been decided. I no longer care about other adults sex lives.
AskMeAboutMyHugeAss says
You know, I’ve had a thought; who am I to judge two consenting adults that mutually benefit from an undisclosed agreement?
One person gets sex, which they are desperate for. One person gets money, in which they are also desperate for.
Same goes for Leonardo Dicaprio. She may *barely* be an adult, but she is and she can make her own decisions to maybe not date a guy who goes through woman like a carton of milk. He’s an adult as well. Two adults doing adult things, so certainly don’t care what boring old me has to say.
That’s it, it’s been decided. I no longer care about other adults sex lives.