Stop watching porn and join the war: Pornhub removes Wagner ads recruiting fighters | Category: General Source
bakerzdosen says I mean… how much money are we talking here? Mercenaries make like $350k/yr, right? (/s)
Tullyally says
I can’t see them Putin down the lotion and picking up a gun.
jjnefx says
When shootin’ putty at the moon gets old, call us! You can shoot people instead.
skatecrimes says
Let’s see. feeling good or dying in a frozen trench by a drone. tough choice.
winter-has-come91 says
…do I Kruschev?
JustFuckingSendIt says
Should have been “and cum join the war”
bakerzdosen says
I mean… how much money are we talking here?
Mercenaries make like $350k/yr, right?