Proper gun safety education should be mandatory for all gun owners, covering topics such as safe handling, storage, and maintenance of firearms. This will not only help prevent accidental shootings but also make it more difficult for children and unauthorized individuals to access the guns.
Kaitensatsuma says
The Reverse Yeller
You know what they say about country songs …a man, his truck and his dog.
Independent-Canary95 says
Poor dog wanted to ride shotgun.
Electrical-Cover-499 says
Good boy?
PhyterNL says
So we’re blaming dogs now?
More accurate title: “Negligent gun owner dies after leaving loaded and cocked rifle where dog could step on it.”
But we can’t run that title because right-wingers will snowflake.
ThatMangoAteMyBaby says
Where was the Good Dog with a gun to stop this Bad Boy?!?!
Darkwater117 says
When the dog takes you behind the barn
JustLurkingInSNJ says
Darwin scores another one!
OrganicPrinciple130 says
Guess Rover was pissed at him.
oldmrdeebs says
Darwin! Table for one!
MadeFromNews says
The saying “Guns don’t kill people, people kill people” is officially ruined
Major_R_Soul says
It seems the hunter became the hunted
WrednyGal says
Ahh another responsible gun owner taken by unjust, unpredictable, inevitable tragedy. /s
argl3bargl3 says
In Alabama, Dog takes *you* out.
Inconceivable-2020 says
Back in the days when common sense still existed, the village idiot was not allowed to have a gun.
LifeTableWithChairs says
Proper gun safety education should be mandatory for all gun owners, covering topics such as safe handling, storage, and maintenance of firearms. This will not only help prevent accidental shootings but also make it more difficult for children and unauthorized individuals to access the guns.