If you check other vote tallies in the day, these four were not voting on all of them meaning they were likely absent for the day. I’m assuming Fetterman was absent due to recent health issues and treatment. Not sure about the others if anyone wants to chime in.
>Sen. Mike Braun of Indiana, who led the bill, told Fox News Digital on Tuesday, “President Biden wants to sacrifice seniors’ retirement savings to fund his political agenda.”
the sheer fucking nerve of this party
btw, the only thing you need to know about the ESG rule is that really only the oil/gas industry opposes it
linuxhiker says
Investments are about a profitable and legal return, not about the subjective ethics thereof.
Travelerdude says
Four Democrats were absent I suppose. Their silence is deafening.
TranquilSeaOtter says
The four not voting politicians were:
Crapo (R-ID)
Feinstein (D-CA)
Fetterman (D-PA)
Merkley (D-OR)
If you check other vote tallies in the day, these four were not voting on all of them meaning they were likely absent for the day. I’m assuming Fetterman was absent due to recent health issues and treatment. Not sure about the others if anyone wants to chime in.
VyrPlan says
>Sen. Mike Braun of Indiana, who led the bill, told Fox News Digital on Tuesday, “President Biden wants to sacrifice seniors’ retirement savings to fund his political agenda.”
the sheer fucking nerve of this party
btw, the only thing you need to know about the ESG rule is that really only the oil/gas industry opposes it
DaveOJ12 says
phillyb88 says
fetterman dammit
Kind_Bullfrog_4073 says
Idk why 401Ks need to be more limited than IRAs anyway. Let people invest in whatever they want.
yogfthagen says
Better to protect oil company 8nvestorscthan the lives of the next generation.
OttoVonCranky says
Can you say VETO?