And yet Missouri is now going to allow 14 year olds to open carry all weapons 24 hours a day completely unsupervised? But not use social media until 2 years later? Twisted logic here that I just don’t ken.
Honestly, I don’t disagree. Social media is an information-based narcotic and we shouldn’t expose children to it.
But, to be clear: Hawley is not seriously proposing this as a reform. He is wielding it as a stick against tech companies to encourage them to be nicer to Republicans. Hawley is a shameless liar, and has been since he first ran for Senate.
BIH-Marathoner says
I’d like my senator to live in my state, but we don’t always get what we want, josh hawley.
Fetlocks_Glistening says
Well, if there’s a minimum age to consent to your body being screwed, shouldn’t there be one to consent to your brain being screwed?
igner_farnsworth says
Suddenly having flashbacks of my sales manager selling a product to a client that is impossible to implement.
[deleted] says
jayfeather31 says
I think it’s a bit late for that genie to be put back in the bottle.
hbgwine says
Wait – isn’t he from the same state that just refused to prohibit minors from carrying guns in public places? So…. Internet bad, guns good. Got it
repostit_ says
This isn’t actually bad, most 13yrs old kids have no business on shit like tik-toc.
Agree it would be hard to implement.
zwaaa says
We already have that c o p p a, f e r p a makes it 13
williamwchuang says
But then how would Matt Gaetz find his girlfriends?
SistersCountry says
And yet Missouri is now going to allow 14 year olds to open carry all weapons 24 hours a day completely unsupervised? But not use social media until 2 years later? Twisted logic here that I just don’t ken.
fgarvin2019 says
It works extremely well in the porn world…..ahem.
Sawyermblack says
I agree, but also want age limits on government office holders.
Lenny_III says
Will the age be higher or lower than the age necessary to date Matt Gaetz?
urkldajrkl says
I request an IQ level to be allowed in congress. If we used a 100 IQ baseline, that would eliminate 3/4 of the current republicans.
BastardofMelbourne says
Honestly, I don’t disagree. Social media is an information-based narcotic and we shouldn’t expose children to it.
But, to be clear: Hawley is not seriously proposing this as a reform. He is wielding it as a stick against tech companies to encourage them to be nicer to Republicans. Hawley is a shameless liar, and has been since he first ran for Senate.