Scrolling past I assumed this article was a joke. Then I looked at the sub. I cant… what the fuck?? Even if I’d voted for them I’d be pissed, why in the fuck was that on the to do list? Took 15 votes to vote in the speaker but man we got smoking solved in what, second week?
If you read the article *you could still smoke in your own office.* what the fuck was the point of this?
MsWumpkins says
Are we speedrunning back to the late 80s early 90s?
mrpickleby says
1880s, full stop.
Flash_ina_pan says
Fantastic, that’s gonna cost the taxpayers when all that smoke residue needs cleaned up
GetlostMaps says
Mexico bans smoking in public.
Burgerstan lifts smoking bans.
manubibi says
Arigato_MrRoboto says
Next they’ll be putting lead back in gasoline.
parkerm1408 says
Scrolling past I assumed this article was a joke. Then I looked at the sub. I cant… what the fuck?? Even if I’d voted for them I’d be pissed, why in the fuck was that on the to do list? Took 15 votes to vote in the speaker but man we got smoking solved in what, second week?
If you read the article *you could still smoke in your own office.* what the fuck was the point of this?
Congress is becoming a 90s Dennys.
backpackwasmypillow says
“That’s tobacco smoke. Not the meth or coke or heroin or crack or… smoke you thought it might be.”
Ma1 says
Taking away reproductive rights and gutting social security isn’t quiiiiiite evil enough.
By Joe I’ve got it! Let’s smoke cigars and cackle maniacally in our offices while we do it!
-GOP politicians probably.