Rare giant rat that can grow to the size of a baby and chew through coconuts caught on camera for first time | Category: General Source
areyow says The fact they never once mentioned that these are rodents of unusual size is just shit journalism If you ask me.
olapbill says that headline is probably still very accurate if you swap the words coconut and baby. let’s see how it flows Rare giant rat that can grow to the size of a coconut and chew through babies caught on camera for first time.
Breezyrain says In case someone was curious, this rat was found on the Solomon Islands, not New York.
NerdbyanyotherName says
Call that uhhh… Rodent of An Unusual Size?
areyow says
The fact they never once mentioned that these are rodents of unusual size is just shit journalism If you ask me.
DortDrueben says
An American or Metric Baby?
DanielUchiha115 says
Does he make all of the rules?
survivalguyledeuce says
The Giant Rat of Sumatra !
olapbill says
that headline is probably still very accurate if you swap the words coconut and baby.
let’s see how it flows
Rare giant rat that can grow to the size of a coconut and chew through babies caught on camera for first time.
Breezyrain says
In case someone was curious, this rat was found on the Solomon Islands, not New York.
dr_reverend says
What do they do if the coconuts are not being filmed?
NetDork says
I don’t believe they exist. *WHUMP*
TooSpicyforyoWifey says
average rat in nyc
Jampine says
We’re the rats
peteypete78 says
James herbert fans getting chills.
kran0503 says
Queek Headtaker has shown himself. The attack has begun.
positivename says
I’ve seen rats the size of raccoons in some cities
hotmasalachai says
This is what stephen king wrote in 1922’yikes