Pope accepts resignation of Polish bishop after gay orgy scandal in diocese | Category: General Source
spudmarsupial says He should’ve stuck to children so the pope would cover for him and help him find more. /s
Shady_Merchant1 says Let he who has not been part of a gay orgy while being a polish bishop cast the first stone
Last_VCR says
InflamedLiver says
I love that the picture of the Pope they used for this was his stank face
D0D says
But wasn’t that gay orgy Gods plan or will? 😈
EaterOfFood says
Looks angry. I guess he wasn’t invited.
Unhappy-Procedure746 says
Hey Republicans, told ya, even them holy guys do it.
NewHumbug says
Not in that hat girlfriend !
spudmarsupial says
He should’ve stuck to children so the pope would cover for him and help him find more. /s
Thephilosopherkmh says
What had happened was, we were drinking the blood of Christ…
masters_of_disasters says
We’ve all been there
Iwasrightdamnit says
Shady_Merchant1 says
Let he who has not been part of a gay orgy while being a polish bishop cast the first stone
lukeworldwalker- says
What a wild ride of a headline haha
ICanHazButtStuff says
I mean, they have to draw the line somewhere.
404FoxNotFound says
If you can’t go out with a bang, go out with a gangbang!
CaveatRumptor says
Celibacy should be voluntary. Homosexuality should be accepted.