Police who stopped driver found £10,000 of cocaine, a lamb and a bag of chips | Category: General Source
SelectiveSanity says Ok, somebody has to ask the question we’re all thinking. ​ ​ ​ What was he going to do with that bag of chips?
JubalHarshaw23 says
Chips confiscated and driver cited for the lamb then sent on his way.
Bobodahobo010101 says
I was wondering what happened to my amazon order.
shanemcoyle says
All that? And a bag of chips?
InternetPeon says
It seems like theres a story there.
woodmanalejandro says
Officer, the cocaine is for the lamb.
LaughableIKR says
Sounds like a party in the UK. I heard it wasn’t Baaaaaaaad.
SelectiveSanity says
Ok, somebody has to ask the question we’re all thinking.
What was he going to do with that bag of chips?
Fetlocks_Glistening says
“Officer, can I have my dog back?”
RobertusesReddit says
I can count a lot of jokes on this headline alone.
Scrubbing_Bubbles_ says
That is a very weird game of “marry, fuck, kill.”
ravs1973 says
Just a tub of vaseline and a pair of wellies short of a great Welsh night out.
hootertransport says
Nobody suspected that the lamb was the brains behind the whole operation.
Ben_Thar says
I’m here to do coke, fuck a lamb, and eat chips…and I just ran out of chips
WhosAGoodDoug says
Britain’s version of Florida somehow seems classier than ours.
LLCoolDave82 says
Coming to a theater near you! Cocaine lamb