…Troy police reported Daniels told an officer investigating the vandalism and related incidents that they needed to “stop the aliens from coming and said they are getting us through our power source.”
Daniels was found competent to stand trial and sane at the time of the offenses following an evaluation ordered by the court.
As part of a plea deal, Daniels pleaded guilty to one count each of vandalism and aggravated trespass, two counts of trespass in a habitation and three counts of disrupting public service. Addition charges of the same nature were dismissed…
MeegsMcMuffin says
As someone who works in a psychosis intervention program in a city that has a specialized mental health court, when I see stories like this, I always wonder who does these court-ordered assessments and how often the system fails people who really need help.
IvanStarokapustin says
Can’t fix crazy
DaisyBeeBloomin says
Have the aliens been stopped or is this still a concern?