If you read the article it gets even worse: the headline says they’re giving it a permanent date but it’s exactly the opposite: they’re taking away it being October 31st and making it the last Friday of October every year. Somehow they call that making it a permanent date lmfao.
Lastunexpectedhero says
Sounds like local business leaders got tired of parents taking random days off.
Hot-Specialist-6824 says
If you read the article it gets even worse: the headline says they’re giving it a permanent date but it’s exactly the opposite: they’re taking away it being October 31st and making it the last Friday of October every year. Somehow they call that making it a permanent date lmfao.
OPA73 says
Might as well do the same for Christmas as December 25th is just a guess anyway.
knighthawk0811 says
just another reason the [13 month calendar](https://13monthcalendar.com/) is great
t4ct1c4l_j0k3r says
Zzeellddaa says
anal_opera says
I thought it was always October 31st but trick or treating could be the 30th and 31st. Why does it matter anyway?
One_Pen_7776 says
THEY are declaring WAR on HALLOWEEN.