Palestinian workers stranded in West Bank fear for families in Gaza — but refuse to condemn Hamas | Category: General Source
K1nsey6 says The only ones that need condemning are the Israelis, they are the ones running open air concentration/apartheid camps
Dark-All-Day says Is this really a thing where everyone needs to preamble everything they say and do with condemning Hamas now?
AbeFromanEast says 1939 – “German workers stranded in Belgium fear for their families in Berlin – but refuse to condemn the Nazis”
flowerkitten420 says “Trapped people, in fear for their families, refuse to condemn the terrorists they are trapped with”
He-is says [Dying Gazans Criticized For Not Using Last Words To Condemn Hamas]( – The Onion
K1nsey6 says
The only ones that need condemning are the Israelis, they are the ones running open air concentration/apartheid camps
Dark-All-Day says
Is this really a thing where everyone needs to preamble everything they say and do with condemning Hamas now?
AbeFromanEast says
1939 – “German workers stranded in Belgium fear for their families in Berlin – but refuse to condemn the Nazis”
flowerkitten420 says
“Trapped people, in fear for their families, refuse to condemn the terrorists they are trapped with”
He-is says
[Dying Gazans Criticized For Not Using Last Words To Condemn Hamas]( – The Onion
bud_4z0 says
Spudlynicholas says
Maybe they can see the bigger picture?