Hitting kids doesn’t solve behavior issues. It might create more different kinds of issues, but it’s not solving them. Where are all these kids that grew up getting ass whoopins who are doing so great in life now? Busy getting divorces and beating their own kids now? Abusing drugs to cope? I’m not buying it. I’m not saying we grew up to be pieces of crap, but many of us are not doing as well as we let on.
Buck_Slamchest says
Republicans are just going to adopt Game of Thrones style punishments sooner or later.
Just wait for the first person to be marched naked through the streets while people throw stuff. It’ll happen.
Hey, teacher! Live them kids alone.
Independent-Canary95 says
Why are we allowing them to do this? Where are the protests? It is very confusing why we are allowing them to destroy democracy.
dogeheroic says
Oklahoma is in a constant pissing contest to be the absolute worst state in the union
Revolutionary-Rush89 says
I’d be going to jail, if I found out a teacher hit my kid that teacher is going to get an air conditioned smile.
GoodbyeSHFs says
Put me on the jury when one of them shoots back.
Sunshinehappyfeet says
So pro-life of them. /s
RitualVirality says
Hitting kids doesn’t solve behavior issues. It might create more different kinds of issues, but it’s not solving them. Where are all these kids that grew up getting ass whoopins who are doing so great in life now? Busy getting divorces and beating their own kids now? Abusing drugs to cope? I’m not buying it. I’m not saying we grew up to be pieces of crap, but many of us are not doing as well as we let on.