For what it is worth, they can if they want to….some people teach their kids about Jesus, or Muhammad, I taught my children to make their own decisions.
We honestly need better homeschooling standards. We were looking into homeschooling and there is just nothing. You can literally teach the kids nothing.
BrilliantDimension41 says
For what it is worth, they can if they want to….some people teach their kids about Jesus, or Muhammad, I taught my children to make their own decisions.
BridgetheDivide says
Homeschooling has always been meant to keep the country’s nazi factory going.
CooperHolmes says
What is it with Sanduskys?
Rosebunse says
We honestly need better homeschooling standards. We were looking into homeschooling and there is just nothing. You can literally teach the kids nothing.
mike-godwin01 says
I think the problem is that Upper Sandusky is below Sandusky..