Officials warn of ‘Booty Patrol’ truck they say is impersonating a Border Patrol vehicle | Category: General Source
lkl34 says “warn” how about impound strip the colors and give them a fine perhaps jail i am sure if this was a police car impersonator things would be different.
lkl34 says
“warn” how about impound strip the colors and give them a fine perhaps jail i am sure if this was a police car impersonator things would be different.
DaveOJ12 says
It’s already been posted.
SumDumKed says
F_B_I You know what it stands for ladies.
GreatRecipe7883 says
lol “Fake border patrol”
hbgwine says
I want to party with those guys.
Filthy-Dick-Toledo says
Oh, I’m sorry I thought this was America!
PkmnJaguar says
I got one of these in my town
_SofaKingVote_ says
The bangbus with an upgrade