The MAGA people I know who want to call everyone snowflakes like they think they’re a fatter version of Braveheart all got the participation ribbon in field day in school
I’m 40’s and still have all my 1980s/1990s bowling league participation trophies. I don’t take them as me “winning” anything, more they serve as a tangible real world reminder that my family and I got up every Saturday morning and drove to midtown to spend a few hours together. It’s a tangible tether to that time and those memories. I don’t really care that I never won, I’ve done well enough in adult life. I’m glad I have them, and I’m glad my league gave us something to commemorate the season. I wish Tommy and Kenny, my coaches, were still here. But I do have those trophies and the memories of their faces as they handed them to me.
Participating can be it’s own valuable experience, even if you don’t win. This culture war obsession of shitting on that is just another weird flex, a weak persons view of what strength might look like. Let us have our moments, even if we aren’t first. Being there means something different to all of us.
Some people really do just enjoy taking nice things from kids, don’t they? Them seem to think that kids should grow up without any happiness or tenderness. It’s so pathetic and heartbreaking to watch grown adults bully and chide kids for such unimportant yet joyful stuff. Just let them have nice things, you grumpy old coots.
4levelclover says
The MAGA people I know who want to call everyone snowflakes like they think they’re a fatter version of Braveheart all got the participation ribbon in field day in school
Hot_Pink_Unicorn says
Don’t they have more important issues to tend to?
mwalimu59 says
Participation trophies were more to placate parents than anything. The kids who grew up with them weren’t fooled.
Scoobydoomed says
Guys come on why the hate?? They are just trying to cut costs to help them pay for all the kids lunch…oh wait….
TobiasMasonPark says
Thank goodness!
Glad to know Americans are putting sensible laws in place to prevent such snowflakery.
Hang on, I hear some shooting at a near by pre-school.
Iwasrightdamnit says
Can I ask someone familiar to the make up of this particular governing body if they’re also the group/generation that started participation trophies?
Also, better start removing all those confederate… well, anything confederate except the white flag they used as their final flag.
blazelet says
I’m 40’s and still have all my 1980s/1990s bowling league participation trophies. I don’t take them as me “winning” anything, more they serve as a tangible real world reminder that my family and I got up every Saturday morning and drove to midtown to spend a few hours together. It’s a tangible tether to that time and those memories. I don’t really care that I never won, I’ve done well enough in adult life. I’m glad I have them, and I’m glad my league gave us something to commemorate the season. I wish Tommy and Kenny, my coaches, were still here. But I do have those trophies and the memories of their faces as they handed them to me.
Participating can be it’s own valuable experience, even if you don’t win. This culture war obsession of shitting on that is just another weird flex, a weak persons view of what strength might look like. Let us have our moments, even if we aren’t first. Being there means something different to all of us.
early_onset_villainy says
Some people really do just enjoy taking nice things from kids, don’t they? Them seem to think that kids should grow up without any happiness or tenderness. It’s so pathetic and heartbreaking to watch grown adults bully and chide kids for such unimportant yet joyful stuff. Just let them have nice things, you grumpy old coots.
iTurnip2 says
Like confederate flags?
Stunning_Kick_1229 says
… said the party of small government.
passwordsarehard_3 says
I agree. Lawmakers don’t get paid unless they start making laws that work.
Lost-Citron-1099 says
Not even purple hearts for being injured during a school shooting?
CluckingBellend says
Any useful laws in the pipeline, or just more nonsense to distract from serious issues?
Vironic says
Will this make Reddit karma illegal in N.C.?
Earnastus says
Is that the most important thing they can be doing? Do they have homeless, sick and starving people?