This is my all-time favorite book of John Green’s. I’ve read it multiple times in middle and high school and watched the Hulu series. The fact that some people think it’s inappropriate for kids and tried to arrest the teacher… you seriously can’t make this shit up
speculatrix says
Parts of the USA really do want to become Gilead!
Mornie0815 says
I don’t get it. Why would it be an inappropriate book?
VyrPlan says
“your young mind isn’t ready for these adult ideas like sex or drugs – now kids, back to our active shooter drill and remember what i said about playing dead in the likely event that your classmates are ever murdered in front of you”
Wonkily_Grobbled says
I love this comment in the summary:
“While I understand it may be offensive to certain people, a subset of the community does not meet the definition for local community standards.”
swisscriss says
I’m sorry but I tried reading the one about the dying teenagers and it’s clear the guy is a total loser. He has that certain mixture of timidity and arrogance that sets my teeth on edge.