Of those held beyond their release dates, 24% were held for at least 90 extra days.
Oh that’s just *wrong* like deeply and seriously wrong. I understand holding a person for 10 days after because sometimes shit is just out of order and papers need to get signed but *90* wtf
Conservatives think that no matter what if you were convicted of you deserve either death or life in prison. And no chance to rehabilitate into society.
Though in American society incarcerated persons aren’t considered human, it feels like in southern GOP controlled states; they take the brutality and malice to a whole other level.
Akshka_leoka says
Of those held beyond their release dates, 24% were held for at least 90 extra days.
Oh that’s just *wrong* like deeply and seriously wrong. I understand holding a person for 10 days after because sometimes shit is just out of order and papers need to get signed but *90* wtf
dieselmiata says
Can’t they sue for false imprisonment?
awesomesauce1030 says
I’d love to see the statistics on this for every state. Our justice system a joke.
NorthImpossible8906 says
were any of them white?
These confederate states do seem to have a bit of a reputation.
Rosebunse says
Shocked Pikachu face.
Meanwhile, my dad stabs two people and only gets nine months in jail.
mymar101 says
Conservatives think that no matter what if you were convicted of you deserve either death or life in prison. And no chance to rehabilitate into society.
fuzzyedges1974 says
Let me guess – Louisiana state prisons are privately run?
PowderedCrowtein says
I can see this happening in private owned prisons, absolutely. Gotta get that little bit of extra cash for that extended stay.
lenolchoice says
Fake_William_Shatner says
Rhetorical question; why do justice systems so often seem to commit more crimes and abuse than the inmates?
Governor of Texas/Florida; “I was conned and trafficked across state lines.”
Louisiana prison inc.; “I was held against my will for years in a small cage, fed only dog food and was abused constantly — illegally.”
I’m in jail for not being able to afford my fine/court fees; around 70%+ of the people in jail in some areas.
djpresstone says
This is unbelievable news and I’m glad I read it, but it’s in the wrong subreddit. Not oniony, not funny.
MrPhuccEverybody says
I bet they get charged rent.
earhere says
Though in American society incarcerated persons aren’t considered human, it feels like in southern GOP controlled states; they take the brutality and malice to a whole other level.
lostoompa says
So… that’s not illegal? Really does show that you can do anything as long as you have money and power.
quippers says
Sounds like Louisiana needs to lose some federal funding until they sort this out.