This time I know to get my llc up and running to make use of the “job creators loophole “ where the government throws money at you no strings attached if you already have money but spit on you and call you the cause of inflation if you accept a couple thousand dollars in emergency funding.
Dunno if it’s just there, such a large proportion of people around here seem to ill and even less careful with than pre COVID, wonder if it’s a new strain or something else and now we’re just gonna ignore it
supercyberlurker says
Chinese Authorities : *Trust us. OR ELSE.*
Alternative_Belt_389 says
Please just fucking no
MechanicalHorse says
Ah shit, here we go again
RigzDigz says
I’m sure that’ll be fine.
coursejunkie says
Sigh… as an EMT… I guess I will start to get prepared again… just in case.
middleagerioter says
OptimusSublime says
This can in no way backfire.
BigBobby2016 says
Not really anything oniony about this at all
prinzessinaura says
I’m going to pretend I can’t read now.
jesuswantsbrains says
This time I know to get my llc up and running to make use of the “job creators loophole “ where the government throws money at you no strings attached if you already have money but spit on you and call you the cause of inflation if you accept a couple thousand dollars in emergency funding.
AVNMechanic says
“Honey, put toilet paper on the shopping list.”
Chesnakarastas says
Dunno if it’s just there, such a large proportion of people around here seem to ill and even less careful with than pre COVID, wonder if it’s a new strain or something else and now we’re just gonna ignore it
logicalconflict says
Pandemic 2: Electric Boogaloo
Intentmeerkat99 says
Not again man
PatientDom says
I think I’ve seen this film before …