Churches need to be taxed. The Johnson Amendment specifies that they get a tax break in exchange for staying completely out of politics, and they consistently violate this.
From the same church that said if the choice is between you and your family starving and paying your tithes, you should pay your tithes. Fucking vultures.
wascilly_wabbit says
> But experts say that the likelihood of the IRS investigating Nielsen’s claims is low.
> “The political risk is so great that it comes with real danger,” former IRS official Phil Hackney said during the 60 Minutes segment.
Best to keep quiet about this. We wouldn’t want to have to do our jobs now, would we?
BonerStorm69 says
Think of the power that money has
poopmachete says
Did they find those $100bn by looking into a hat as well?
NewCastleIndiana83 says
Why is it called a whistleblowing incident when they are being super prepared and smart?
gentlesnob says
This isn’t really oniony if you know anything about the mormon church
rumenocity5 says
All churches. All religions. Use make believe to stay in power. Stay rich. Stay beyond the law. It’s easy to sway and dupe the masses.
Spdrjay says
Confiscate it and use it to feed the homeless.
wwarnout says
Churches need to be taxed. The Johnson Amendment specifies that they get a tax break in exchange for staying completely out of politics, and they consistently violate this.
DamonFields says
What does a church need to hedge against? And the Catholics with their hoards of gold. Is money the one true god?
mistertickertape says
From the same church that said if the choice is between you and your family starving and paying your tithes, you should pay your tithes. Fucking vultures.