This is so fucked those things cost more than a car thanks to our health care systems. The materials cost maybe 20-50 bucks if bought in bulk, you can bust one out in a few days and the tools you use are mostly standard shop tools besides a few very specialized measuring tools.
My source is me, I make them.
They should definitely pay more than $600, it seems, but the DOT only allows a maximum liability of $3800 for lost luggage, so he will never be fully reimbursed.
ztreHdrahciR says
OptimusSublime says
When he sought legal advice his lawyers said he didn’t have a leg to stand on and he’d have to foot the bill.
WesternOne9990 says
This is so fucked those things cost more than a car thanks to our health care systems. The materials cost maybe 20-50 bucks if bought in bulk, you can bust one out in a few days and the tools you use are mostly standard shop tools besides a few very specialized measuring tools.
My source is me, I make them.
TyroneDemariusJackso says
watch out for those short-leg flights
aurelia_ginger says
They should definitely pay more than $600, it seems, but the DOT only allows a maximum liability of $3800 for lost luggage, so he will never be fully reimbursed.
Sandman11x says
He needs to walk it off.
MyWifeDontKnowItsMe says
At American Airlines, we won’t charge you an arm and a leg, just a leg!
The ad copy writes itself.