Mirabolis says Technically only one of them killed the guy, though wording it that way does avoid the crocodiles arguing over who gets credit. Co-authorship, of a sort.
aproposinadvance says the title is a bit misleading p sure he was dead by the time the third croc had a go
RegdarSon says I read it as a man killed 40 crocs and was stunned and amazed, the real title makes much more sense.
Wrexem says For some reason my brain skipped the “by” there and I was going to be impressed. Instead, just dummy.
Fortune86 says When a bunch of crocodiles put more effort into a group project than the men who killed Caeser.
EliseNoelle says “Madame Rose, what can you tell me about my future?” “Madame Rose sees all but you may not like what you hear! Be forewarned…” “Please, I must know…how will I die? Car accident? Poor health but surrounded by my loving family?” “You will die at age 72, eaten alive by crocodiles” “……….”
aRandomFox-II says
What’s with the left/center/right bar?
manorwomanhuman says
The 38th croc was just there to watch.
InflamedLiver says
There’s a horrifying way to die.
Mirabolis says
Technically only one of them killed the guy, though wording it that way does avoid the crocodiles arguing over who gets credit. Co-authorship, of a sort.
PM_Me_ThicccThings says
To shreds you say…
Nail_Biterr says
That beats my previous record – I was killed by 37 Crocodiles.
charliehustles says
facebook_twitterjail says
Could’ve sped up the process by throwing a sting ray into the enclosure.
aproposinadvance says
the title is a bit misleading p sure he was dead by the time the third croc had a go
bookcreative says
Live by the croc, die by the croc. Rest in croc.
RegdarSon says
I read it as a man killed 40 crocs and was stunned and amazed, the real title makes much more sense.
Wrexem says
For some reason my brain skipped the “by” there and I was going to be impressed. Instead, just dummy.
MrNothingmann says
I feel like this is the rare “quick and painful” death.
Fortune86 says
When a bunch of crocodiles put more effort into a group project than the men who killed Caeser.
EliseNoelle says
“Madame Rose, what can you tell me about my future?”
“Madame Rose sees all but you may not like what you hear! Be forewarned…”
“Please, I must know…how will I die? Car accident? Poor health but surrounded by my loving family?”
“You will die at age 72, eaten alive by crocodiles”