BirdsbirdsBURDS says But why are these even a thing? Who thought “ya know, how we got trash bins everywhere so when we’re done fisting food into our maws we can chuck the trash anywhere? Imagine if we could just piss right in the middle of the street when we wanted to?”
GumpsDrillSargeant says
I would be *so* angry if this was the way I died!
skunkadelic says
Shitty way to go.
Cyanopicacooki says
And I thought I’d flushed my life away.
Nuker-79 says
That’s a pisser!
BirdsbirdsBURDS says
But why are these even a thing? Who thought “ya know, how we got trash bins everywhere so when we’re done fisting food into our maws we can chuck the trash anywhere? Imagine if we could just piss right in the middle of the street when we wanted to?”