I like to look at it this way. The internet is about as safe for kids as playing outside. If you do it right it’s fine, but some jackass is going to always find a way to ruin the fun for everyone.
Of course I haven’t read the article, but based just on the title it’s not a bad idea.
You go to a professional so then you have a report, done by someone who does that by a living. With that report you can cover your ass or ask for changes (depending on the findings on the report).
Also, the official protected himself by also avoiding to be in a position to be accused of watching porn (in the library at least!).
This slob is just using this idea as an excuse to not properly fund the library … and he has a small dick, so the investigation might be personal as well. 😉
WaterChi says
Somebody wants to watch porn on public library computers
sysadminbj says
I like to look at it this way. The internet is about as safe for kids as playing outside. If you do it right it’s fine, but some jackass is going to always find a way to ruin the fun for everyone.
UnethicalPanicMode says
Of course I haven’t read the article, but based just on the title it’s not a bad idea.
You go to a professional so then you have a report, done by someone who does that by a living. With that report you can cover your ass or ask for changes (depending on the findings on the report).
Also, the official protected himself by also avoiding to be in a position to be accused of watching porn (in the library at least!).
lastprophecy says
I mean if you can watch porn at [Ft Meade](https://thehackernews.com/2015/04/nsa-watching-porn_6.html) what chance does a County Library have to prevent someone watching it?
WisaTheStray says
I feel like “asking for a friend” was stated at least once during the hiring process.
QuestionableAI says
This slob is just using this idea as an excuse to not properly fund the library … and he has a small dick, so the investigation might be personal as well. 😉