Lawmakers propose letting Massachusetts prisoners donate organs for reduced sentences | Category: General Source
Gemmabeta says There is a reason why people who live in congregant settings are banned from even donating blood.
not_a_gumby says step 1. pass this bill step 2. start passing dozens of crime reform bills that impose harsh prison sentences for minor offenses step 3. Profit!
TroutComplex says
There’s no way this could possibly be abused!
Skysis says
No chance this isn’t gonna go wrong.
Bokbreath says
*More young, white men and women were being incarcerated. Nobody knew why*
monkeyclawattack says
Soylent Green is on the menu
true-skeptic says
Gemmabeta says
There is a reason why people who live in congregant settings are banned from even donating blood.
not_a_gumby says
step 1. pass this bill
step 2. start passing dozens of crime reform bills that impose harsh prison sentences for minor offenses
step 3. Profit!
houseman1131 says
Black mirror type of crap.
thats-my-plan says
Kidney plus time served! You’re free to go!
dysfunctionalpress says
this is how a horror movie starts.
FlamingPileOfKidneys says
*China has entered the chat”
remberzz says
So we can’t pay for organs but we can…..*barter* for them?
Sleepybat7 says
This is just.. horrific.. wtf 😰
sugar_addict002 says
what do they get for their first born?
Catsandcamping says
Because this couldn’t possibly give rise to coercion…