My mind is alive at night. I get awesome ideas, and feel like I do my best thinking then. I feel so motivated to get up and program, write, draw, anything. And quite frankly, that’s special for me; I’m not a very motivated person. If I had it my way, I would just stay up and live a life where my sleep schedule is 2am to 10am. Of course, this isn’t feasible. I have to get up for school at 6:30, meaning the latest I can sustainably go to bed is 10:30pm. That’s pretty much the exact time my mind starts to go off. It makes it hard to fall asleep, both physically because I feel so awake, and emotionally because I feel so inspired and it’s sad to have to leave that behind. Is there anything I can do to somehow shut off my mind at night and maybe reroute this energy into a place like the morning where it is useful? I’m extremely sluggish in the morning and it takes me a long time to get up, the exact opposite of night.
Mind blown
azulshotput: White noise machine plus melatonin plus sleep with me podcast equals bedtime bliss.
caleb48kb: I’m not sure what will work for you.
Here’s what works for me: Yoga, meditation, reading, or pot (edible, and only rarely)
workinparadoxes: I don’t know if your open to it but I think you are open to meditation. It really does help. Guided meditation would also work