PiroKyCral: Taken from either an LPT or Comment, can’t remember said poster.
“Before you turn on your TV or PC, try reading the first page of a book. If you really don’t wanna read, don’t push yourself. But more often than not you’ll be hooked into reading more.”
Max0l: If fiction doesn’t interest you that much, non-fiction books are great to start with. There’s bound to be something that interests you to the point that you want to read a book on it. Be it history, politics, or biographies.
gordonv: My mentor in 2010 got me to become a reader by giving me interesting books to read:
– The Prophet, Khalil Gibran
– The Art of War, Sun Tsu
– Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill
– How to Win Friends and Influence People, Dale Carnegie
– Eat, Pray, Love – Elizabeth Gilbert
– The Richest Man in Babylon
EPalmighty: Try keeping a book on your bed, so when you’re getting ready for bed, you’ll remember to read. Reading helps me fall asleep, especially after late computer usage.
speakstupidto-me: I’ve read a few memoirs from people who like to read, and they say they keep a tiny little notebook filled with one liners. It could be either a line that sticks out to you in the book, or a short and quick self summary of what you just read. Personally I take it a step further and like to reflect a little on what the book meant to me, and what my take away for it is. But it’s definitely helped me “actively” read more instead of just skimming!