If you actually read the article it’s not that strange
>“the emphasis on prestige and reputation without any objective evaluation of the quality of education is discordant with our vision for the future of medicine.” Additionally, UW added that the US News rankings methodology does not align with the university’s goals of creating an “inclusive learning environment and developing a diverse and culturally humble workforce.”
Smells of wokeism. (And I’m by no means on the right.)
They’re comparing sickle-cell (basically only black) with cystic fibrosis (mostly white) and noting that cystic fibrosis counts a lot more even though there are fewer cases. No mention that cystic fibrosis is far more deadly than sickle cell, though. This is nothing like an apples-to-apples comparison.
Now, shmargus’ point about an emphasis on prestige without actual measurements is more relevant, but this still sounds like it’s US News not playing along with their efforts to be racist. (And, yes, favoring blacks over whites is just as racist as favoring whites over blacks.) Schools are increasingly responding to allegations of racism by hiding the data rather than changing their ways.
We do enough reporting to CMS, the state commissions, and the joint commission.
There is absolutely no benefit to participating in these stupid rankings (I’m adding Leapfrog in here too because it is also a scam).
I also think that US News caters to the influence of well funded registries. If you have a concern about your Child’s asthma…. You shouldn’t be picking your health system based off the FEV1 scores of the patients with CF at that system.
shmargus says
If you actually read the article it’s not that strange
>“the emphasis on prestige and reputation without any objective evaluation of the quality of education is discordant with our vision for the future of medicine.” Additionally, UW added that the US News rankings methodology does not align with the university’s goals of creating an “inclusive learning environment and developing a diverse and culturally humble workforce.”
SomebodyInNevada says
Smells of wokeism. (And I’m by no means on the right.)
They’re comparing sickle-cell (basically only black) with cystic fibrosis (mostly white) and noting that cystic fibrosis counts a lot more even though there are fewer cases. No mention that cystic fibrosis is far more deadly than sickle cell, though. This is nothing like an apples-to-apples comparison.
Now, shmargus’ point about an emphasis on prestige without actual measurements is more relevant, but this still sounds like it’s US News not playing along with their efforts to be racist. (And, yes, favoring blacks over whites is just as racist as favoring whites over blacks.) Schools are increasingly responding to allegations of racism by hiding the data rather than changing their ways.
DeadFyre says
Yet more “excellence is the enemy of equity” bullshit.
FatLeeAdama2 says
We do enough reporting to CMS, the state commissions, and the joint commission.
There is absolutely no benefit to participating in these stupid rankings (I’m adding Leapfrog in here too because it is also a scam).
I also think that US News caters to the influence of well funded registries. If you have a concern about your Child’s asthma…. You shouldn’t be picking your health system based off the FEV1 scores of the patients with CF at that system.