>Foreign entities would have to have Italian language editions of all internal regulations and employment contracts, according to a draft of the legislation seen by CNN.
>The first article of the legislation guarantees that even in offices that deal with non Italian-speaking foreigners, Italian must be the primary language used.
>Article 2 would make Italian “mandatory for the promotion and use of public goods and services in the national territory.”
Alright, so if you get robbed or have a medical emergency, you have to speak Italian or else you will get denied assistance. That’s how you kill your entire foreign tourism industry.
I recall France doing something similar years ago. It’s a fuzzy memory, but I think the idea was along the lines of “keeping French pure” or something.
I wonder what happened to that initiative?
incriminating_words says
> This would mean that saying “bru-shetta” instead of “bru-sketta” could be a punishable offense.
waterkip says
Idiots or idiota
RevolutionaryDiet602 says
Next is banning Italians from procreating with non-italians
Scottishchicken says
The lady at the podium isn’t even speaking Italian. Look at her fingers, she’s getting it all wrong!
DiamondDelver says
The purpose of linguistics is to help language better serve people,not the other way around. This is a complete failure.
kazzin8 says
>Foreign entities would have to have Italian language editions of all internal regulations and employment contracts, according to a draft of the legislation seen by CNN.
>The first article of the legislation guarantees that even in offices that deal with non Italian-speaking foreigners, Italian must be the primary language used.
Yulahee says
Boy, right wingers all over the world are really laser focused on the important stuff…
Shok_wave says
Being Middle Eastern, reading and watching movies to learn English on my own is the best thing ever.
FiveFingerDisco says
How do you say “useful idiots” in Italian?
SharanskyWailer says
New Jerseyans, New Yorkers, and Californians can’t go back and visit then. Saying “Gabagool” is going to be a punishable offense.
In this world of tit-for-tat, some government then will ban words like “pizza” and “cappuccino”.
In [Quebec](https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/quebec-language-policy), language is regulated e.g. signs must have French larger than all other languages.
Inasis says
Imagine trying to say something which doesn’t have an Italian equivalent
semtex94 says
>Article 2 would make Italian “mandatory for the promotion and use of public goods and services in the national territory.”
Alright, so if you get robbed or have a medical emergency, you have to speak Italian or else you will get denied assistance. That’s how you kill your entire foreign tourism industry.
TjW0569 says
I recall France doing something similar years ago. It’s a fuzzy memory, but I think the idea was along the lines of “keeping French pure” or something.
I wonder what happened to that initiative?
thisgirlnamedbree says
Italy getting their own version of Ron DeSantis was the last thing the country needed.