You are not allowed to walk your dog on a leash and have them pee or poop while on a walk unless you own the property (essentially eliminating dog walks). This law is utterly ridiculous and is being actively enforced by police. My father received a summons for court under the new law today
El-Acantilado says
So you’re not allowed to have your dog outside unless it’s on your own property? WTF?
FlapJackson420 says
Yeah, try and stop us. My pups pooping where he wants. I doubt anyone will ever get cited by an officer unless you have a crazy person call the cops repeatedly… one or two calls? likely ignored because they have actual work to do.
willem76____ says
Hmm…that’s like that moment they said you can’t smoke everywhere you want to.
IntrepidSoda says
Moving to America is something I would like to do in the near future but NY and NYC are at the bottom of list- first no dogs that don’t fit in a bag now this.
DaveOJ12 says
That’s not how the subreddit works. You’re supposed to link to a news article.
PoopieButt317 says
“Owner or person harboring such a dog”
Now, it also says “cause damage” by urinating or defecating on someone else’s property”. Poop bags and appropriate ph dog foods and supplements should mitigate this. I don’t want dead grass, either. Spice, does Dad pick up poop, and is the pee caustic? If no damage, no violation.
Good luck to dad if he is in accordance with the good neighbor rule. There are dog owners who aren’t.
mydogsnameispoop says
Is this for large dogs only?