> Major pharmaceutical companies have long refused to sell medications to states if they think they will be used for executions, prompting some prison officials to switch to novel or sometimes questionable sources for the chemicals.
Which ones? Or are they company names that I wouldn’t recognize.
If they’re using
> questionable sources
Why bother? Ethically questionable practices just to be able to kill someone. Just because the book says so
It’s written right there in black and white, time for you to die sir. Let’s get cracking, yes the drugs weren’t available to perform lethal injection and the guns jammed so we’re just gonna bash your skull in.
Hey! I know I know but we have to, I already told you.
Just bring back gladiator pits, let them gnarfle the garthok, public executions. Bring back all the barbaric shit we said didn’t belong in a civilized society.
menlindorn says
Evidently they can’t get lethal injection drugs, and are struggling to find an alternative means of execution.
burningphoenix77888 says
Honestly better than the injections. So go ahead
RockyMountainHigh- says
For the love of christ
ohmygoshbutwhy says
I feel like I’ve been saying this a lot, lately.
But.. What the fuck, America?
Get it together. You’re a disgrace.
yum_paste says
Ya it’s called public school
Undedmekko says
> Major pharmaceutical companies have long refused to sell medications to states if they think they will be used for executions, prompting some prison officials to switch to novel or sometimes questionable sources for the chemicals.
Which ones? Or are they company names that I wouldn’t recognize.
If they’re using
> questionable sources
Why bother? Ethically questionable practices just to be able to kill someone. Just because the book says so
It’s written right there in black and white, time for you to die sir. Let’s get cracking, yes the drugs weren’t available to perform lethal injection and the guns jammed so we’re just gonna bash your skull in.
Hey! I know I know but we have to, I already told you.
Undedmekko says
Just bring back gladiator pits, let them gnarfle the garthok, public executions. Bring back all the barbaric shit we said didn’t belong in a civilized society.
GetlostMaps says
Burgerstan. Literally moving backwards while the Modern Developed World moves forwards.
Amazingshot says
I’m fine with that.