Self rightgeousness is a badge of honor among some people. Certain religious groups seem to cultivate it. Apparently self rightgeousness is also a marker for later developement of Alsheimer’s and dementia. When this happens though people still want to blame others for it happening, not look at their own mistakes.
And, today (5/23/2023), MTG introduced a bill in the House to eliminate the federal Department of Education. The conservatives just can’t wait to dumb down America even more than they already have.
colt4cm says
Wasn’t Hertz the company that was falsely reporting cars as stolen, and getting people arrested due to paperwork mistakes?
SlothOfDoom says
>in late 2022, the company agreed to pay a $168 settlement
My God, hire an editor.
envybelmont says
> As he walked away, he said he heard the police officer threaten to call the border patrol.
Fucking hell. Just another example of the police only hiring the dumbest of people to carry a badge and gun and superiority complex.
Elmodogg says
This is bad, sure, but there are even worse examples of American ignorance.,Man%20Asked%20to%20Show%20'New%20Mexico%20Passport'%20When%20Marriage,Clerk%20Forgets%20It's%20a%20State&text=A%20man%20was%20forced%20to,%2C%20D.C.%2C%20earlier%20in%20November.
CaveatRumptor says
Self rightgeousness is a badge of honor among some people. Certain religious groups seem to cultivate it. Apparently self rightgeousness is also a marker for later developement of Alsheimer’s and dementia. When this happens though people still want to blame others for it happening, not look at their own mistakes.
EdisonLightbulb says
And, today (5/23/2023), MTG introduced a bill in the House to eliminate the federal Department of Education. The conservatives just can’t wait to dumb down America even more than they already have.