They won’t let spouses work together in retail environments because people think it would be unfair to the customer and this woman thinks that there’s no conflict of interest when her husband literally works for what could arguably be called the opposition to what she supposed to be about? GTFOOH!
Buuuuuuuuulllllllllshit. I’m pretty sure there is a John Oliver or John Stewart episode where they talk about shit like this….from the early 2000s. Our govt is stupid, no matter who is in office.
Aelistenus says
the same way alameda research and ftx were independent companies…
po3smith says
They won’t let spouses work together in retail environments because people think it would be unfair to the customer and this woman thinks that there’s no conflict of interest when her husband literally works for what could arguably be called the opposition to what she supposed to be about? GTFOOH!
qawsedrf12 says
i bet she has a relative that sells bridges
Iconoclast674 says
Increase the sugar tax!
maxi2702 says
And she’s a type 1 diabetic? That’s a match made in hell.
yourMommaKnow says
Buuuuuuuuulllllllllshit. I’m pretty sure there is a John Oliver or John Stewart episode where they talk about shit like this….from the early 2000s. Our govt is stupid, no matter who is in office.