Not a fan of Boebert, but in all fairness, this is a big fuss over nothing. She insured that the bot was removed from the situation. She did not make any attempt to prevent police involvement. She said the boy didn’t need help. The officers saw no marks on the boy. It is only newsworthy because of who was involved.
Before any of you get up in arms about me defending Boebert, I am not defending Boebert. I think she is a nut case of the first order. I am defending facts and the truth.
That being said, this article is a stupid nothingburger and shouldn’t be news. Beyond that, why is it in this sub? Not oniony at all, take this crap to a political sub.
Riptide360 says
To think Boebert’s debt talk vote is what keeps McCarthy on course to take our entire economy over a cliff next week.
nrith says
Not only should she be removed from office, but she and her pedo husband should be jailed for child abuse. This is classic abuser behavior.
No_Carpet7125 says
She’s going to flame out like Palin.
53OldSoldier says
Not a fan of Boebert, but in all fairness, this is a big fuss over nothing. She insured that the bot was removed from the situation. She did not make any attempt to prevent police involvement. She said the boy didn’t need help. The officers saw no marks on the boy. It is only newsworthy because of who was involved.
Before any of you get up in arms about me defending Boebert, I am not defending Boebert. I think she is a nut case of the first order. I am defending facts and the truth.
Renisev says
This is what is representing CO. She is a disaster and only cares about image. Her son didn’t just call 911 for fun.
[deleted] says
Riterre says
How does this not trigger an investigation on whether this family should possess fire arms?
mitten_hash says
There are no genuinely good politicians.
That being said, this article is a stupid nothingburger and shouldn’t be news. Beyond that, why is it in this sub? Not oniony at all, take this crap to a political sub.
dakkadakkapewpewboom says
“He does not need help”
He most certainly, fucking, does. Both parents are unworthy of that title.