“More studies needed” coming from a guy who ignores all studies. The level of incompetence is astounding. Mississippi, there are competent and willing people who can lead your state…Find them and elect them.
>KidsCount ranking of states by overall child welfare, based on states own reporting in the categories of Economic Well-Being, Health, Education, and Family and Community.
•50 New Mexico
•49 Lousiana
•48 Mississippi
>KidsCount ranking of states by child and teen death rate…
•50 Alaska
•49 Mississippi
>KidsCount ranking of states by measure of children in poverty…
Who else wants to deny healthcare to people, which makes them owe more medical debt because their symptoms get worse. Then with debt, they have to pay more interest on loans for cars and houses, making them poor.
randomfucke says
“More studies needed” coming from a guy who ignores all studies. The level of incompetence is astounding. Mississippi, there are competent and willing people who can lead your state…Find them and elect them.
>KidsCount ranking of states by overall child welfare, based on states own reporting in the categories of Economic Well-Being, Health, Education, and Family and Community.
•50 New Mexico
•49 Lousiana
•48 Mississippi
>KidsCount ranking of states by child and teen death rate…
•50 Alaska
•49 Mississippi
>KidsCount ranking of states by measure of children in poverty…
•50 Mississippi
>Overall Health…
•50 Mississippi
>Low birth weight babies….
•50 Mississippi
>Teen births (highest)….
•49 Arkansas
•49 Mississippi
Etc, etc, etc.
QuestionableAI says
Maybe he ought to remove health care from men and see how they do.
SnarfbObo says
3rd times the charm!
HarryHacker42 says
Let me guess… he’s a Republican.
Who else wants to deny healthcare to people, which makes them owe more medical debt because their symptoms get worse. Then with debt, they have to pay more interest on loans for cars and houses, making them poor.
Good old Republican policies.