George Santos was charged with theft for stealing puppies from an Irish dairy farmer. Charges later dropped when he claimed someone stole his checkbook.
As much as I can’t stand the guy this really isn’t that big of a deal for me, possibly even a win in my book. Those Amish puppy mills are disgusting and need to be disbanded entirely.
Why does the Republican Party endorse Clowns, con-men, and Yahoos? Was Santos the best person the Republican Party had to offer America? The Republican Party needs to become the party of intelligent conservative reasonable honest leaders.
ssweens113 says
George Santos was charged with theft for stealing puppies from an Irish dairy farmer. Charges later dropped when he claimed someone stole his checkbook.
RigorMortis_Tortoise says
Didn’t he claim he was Am-ish?
Right-Fisherman-1234 says
Another upstanding member of congress.
allaboutthismoment says
I love this guy.
LongBongJohnSilver says
You could tell me he stole babies and pitted them against each other in an illegal cock fighting ring and it’d barely register.
recovering_spaz says
Fuck Amish Puppy Mills, I wish he’d stolen enough for them to have gone bankrupt and lost their farm.
the_simurgh says
how the fuck did he get into office with this many criminal charges and warrants?
WBurkhart90 says
As much as I can’t stand the guy this really isn’t that big of a deal for me, possibly even a win in my book. Those Amish puppy mills are disgusting and need to be disbanded entirely.
cwn01 says
Why does the Republican Party endorse Clowns, con-men, and Yahoos? Was Santos the best person the Republican Party had to offer America? The Republican Party needs to become the party of intelligent conservative reasonable honest leaders.
BastardofMelbourne says
Is this person *real?*
Ben_Thar says
This is sensationalism!
He stole from everyone, not just the Amish
DaveOJ12 says
This was posted yesterday…..
And four days before that
Ram_Ranch_Manager says
Santos seems to have a thing against dogs. First we found out about him stealing the gofundme money for a dying dog and now this.
Dontsleeponlilyachty says
jeezus, this guy is a piece of shit
clownburner says
The writing on this character is just totally unbelievable at this point.