For people who wont read further than this article (which covers the topic in a pretty shallow manner), his new company is Druglike which offers computational power to aid companies or individuals in early stage drug discovery. It’s a Web3.0 project that uses the computing power of individuals and their hardware in exchange for crypto and this solution is meant to be a cheaper alternative for researchers and companies than traditional in silico solutions which tend to be quite expensive.
Is it a drug company? First, IANAL. My view which is worth as much as my fictional law degree is that one could argue yes but in my opinion, it seems much more like a tech company operating in the drug space. It still fits the FTCs contempt of court argument since it intersects with the pharmaceutical space, but it’s not as neat of an argument as one might assume and I could see a counter argument that the FTC’s ban is too broad.
GlobalTravelR says
If at first you don’t succeed in screwing people over who need essential medicine, try try again.
Wear-Fluid says
How was he able to do that in the first place… the fuck
Fushinaz says
He’s such a smug little freak. I hate his evil smile & just his his face, generally.
SelectiveSanity says
Well 2023 is off to terrible start. I mean George Santos[(question mark)]( was the first clue but if its brining back [Mister Punch Him in the Face]( I dread what the rest of the year will bring.
For the record, I have Murder Wasp Swarms on this years bingo card.
bostwickenator says
He did an AMA a while back, he’s a proper sociopath. Hopefully the court smacks him down again. He won’t learn but apparently neither will investors.
baddfingerz1968 says
They should’ve put Pharma Bro away for eternity!!! 😠
Murderyoga says
He reminds me of Jeffrey Dahmer in that photo.
ZeldaFan812 says
Martin Shrekli lol
987nevertry says
I thought he was in jail
PM_Me_Things_Yo_Like says
For people who wont read further than this article (which covers the topic in a pretty shallow manner), his new company is Druglike which offers computational power to aid companies or individuals in early stage drug discovery. It’s a Web3.0 project that uses the computing power of individuals and their hardware in exchange for crypto and this solution is meant to be a cheaper alternative for researchers and companies than traditional in silico solutions which tend to be quite expensive.
Is it a drug company? First, IANAL. My view which is worth as much as my fictional law degree is that one could argue yes but in my opinion, it seems much more like a tech company operating in the drug space. It still fits the FTCs contempt of court argument since it intersects with the pharmaceutical space, but it’s not as neat of an argument as one might assume and I could see a counter argument that the FTC’s ban is too broad.