> “Women’s safety must not take a backseat to the wishes of violent criminals.
That’s all there is to it, this isn’t about some broader social issue, it isn’t about trans rights in general, it’s about a tiny minority of a minority that’s genuinely dangerous and needs to be treated as such.
Ones’ rights end where anothers’ begin. I support trans rights understanding there are those who exploit loopholes to gain access to potential prey. It’s going to need to be clarified as we have more people incarcerated who are trans.
Of course this kinda thing makes headlines, but no one gives a shit when cis female rapists are put in with other women (or hell, when cis male rapists are in men’s prisons) nor about the much more extensive abuse perpetuated by corrections officers. Assault of other inmates, sexual or otherwise, is something those guys should be preventing, and yet…
This is just trouble either way. Either you have a partially transitioned woman in a woman’s jail, but one attracted to women and with a history of violently and sexually assaulting women. That’s bad. Or you have a partially transitioned women in a men’s jail, where they’re a target for every male sexual predator or inmate desiring company.
And while they may be a bad person who deserves to be locked away, that doesn’t mean they deserve to be sexually assaulted. Rape (let alone gang rape) shouldn’t be a punishment in any country.
Sky and Fox News should be banned from this subreddit spreading hate is not oniony in the slightest and that’s exactly what this article is trying to do. All the idiots in the comments are just suckling Murdochs teat.
Edmund-Dantes says
Will this woman also impregnate other female inmates like the previous one did?
PEVEI says
The key sentence:
> “Women’s safety must not take a backseat to the wishes of violent criminals.
That’s all there is to it, this isn’t about some broader social issue, it isn’t about trans rights in general, it’s about a tiny minority of a minority that’s genuinely dangerous and needs to be treated as such.
jdtoast says
It would be great if they just put her in solitary. I bet she’d change her mind about transitioning pretty quick.
victordudu says
it’s just the beginning of some awesome shitfests.
LeilaDFW says
Ones’ rights end where anothers’ begin. I support trans rights understanding there are those who exploit loopholes to gain access to potential prey. It’s going to need to be clarified as we have more people incarcerated who are trans.
TulipAcid says
Just a straight guy not wanting to experience violence within the male general prison population.
He’s faking. He’s not trans.
Acadia_Due says
Looks like a woman to me, kind of the motherly type (assuming she identifies as motherly).
NinjaLanternShark says
Hint: “row” means fight/uproar, not a place like prisoner row.
Took me a few reads to parse…
[deleted] says
Welpmart says
Of course this kinda thing makes headlines, but no one gives a shit when cis female rapists are put in with other women (or hell, when cis male rapists are in men’s prisons) nor about the much more extensive abuse perpetuated by corrections officers. Assault of other inmates, sexual or otherwise, is something those guys should be preventing, and yet…
DJWGibson says
How is this Oniony??
This is just trouble either way. Either you have a partially transitioned woman in a woman’s jail, but one attracted to women and with a history of violently and sexually assaulting women. That’s bad. Or you have a partially transitioned women in a men’s jail, where they’re a target for every male sexual predator or inmate desiring company.
And while they may be a bad person who deserves to be locked away, that doesn’t mean they deserve to be sexually assaulted. Rape (let alone gang rape) shouldn’t be a punishment in any country.
llcdrewtaylor says
I thought I had a stroke when I tried to read this headline.
Acceptable_Wall4085 says
When he has a few knocked up they’ll wise up to his game.
logan2043099 says
Sky and Fox News should be banned from this subreddit spreading hate is not oniony in the slightest and that’s exactly what this article is trying to do. All the idiots in the comments are just suckling Murdochs teat.
standarduser2 says
If men and women were treated equally in the eyes of the law, this wouldn’t be an issue.