I lived in a building one time where there was a sheet if you needed an exterminator, and you wrote down what the issue was. Dude wrote “rats running Olympics in apt”
>Every New York City mayor in history has battled rats. But for current mayor Eric Adams, the war on vermin has taken a peculiar turn as he tries to burnish his image as the city’s exterminator-in-chief.
>Adams went before a hearing officer Thursday — for the second time — to contest two tickets he got from his own health department for allegedly allowing broods of rodents to take residence at his Brooklyn townhouse.
>Participating via telephone, Adams contested the findings of an inspector who found rat burrows along a fence line and “fresh rat droppings” in front of the mayor’s garbage bins.
>A handful of reporters listened in as the mayor seemed to profess surprise over the most recent citations, saying some of the alleged infractions observed were actually on his neighbor’s property.
>City records show that Adams has gotten at least 18 summonses over the years at his Brooklyn address, many of them related to the handling of garbage. Many times he simply paid the fines, but not this time.
>In a prior attempt that proved to be more amusing than lethal, city officials unveiled a scheme to use dry ice to suffocate rats in their burrows but elicited guffaws when workers chased — but never caught — one of the fleeing vermin.
4levelclover says
I lived in a building one time where there was a sheet if you needed an exterminator, and you wrote down what the issue was. Dude wrote “rats running Olympics in apt”
marketrent says
Excerpt from the linked content:^1
>Every New York City mayor in history has battled rats. But for current mayor Eric Adams, the war on vermin has taken a peculiar turn as he tries to burnish his image as the city’s exterminator-in-chief.
>Adams went before a hearing officer Thursday — for the second time — to contest two tickets he got from his own health department for allegedly allowing broods of rodents to take residence at his Brooklyn townhouse.
>Participating via telephone, Adams contested the findings of an inspector who found rat burrows along a fence line and “fresh rat droppings” in front of the mayor’s garbage bins.
>A handful of reporters listened in as the mayor seemed to profess surprise over the most recent citations, saying some of the alleged infractions observed were actually on his neighbor’s property.
>City records show that Adams has gotten at least 18 summonses over the years at his Brooklyn address, many of them related to the handling of garbage. Many times he simply paid the fines, but not this time.
>In a prior attempt that proved to be more amusing than lethal, city officials unveiled a scheme to use dry ice to suffocate rats in their burrows but elicited guffaws when workers chased — but never caught — one of the fleeing vermin.
^1 Bobby Caina Calvin for the *Associated Press*, 9 Feb. 2023, https://apnews.com/article/politics-animals-eric-adams-new-york-city-brooklyn-f9bd96fbf78651bb004451a4116e3c6d
H-Barbara says
Of mice and man.
KombattWombatt says
Good luck. Those fuckers are crafty.
DaveOJ12 says
It’s like that cheat code in Max Payne.