Banning books is a freedom of speech issue for authors. DeSantis is a disaster with taking reading rights away at public schools. DeSantis used to be a private school history teacher. He knows what he is doing is wrong, but it is a well worn path to tyranny. Elites wanting to be masters of ill educated wage slaves.
Kind of odd that 2 Samuel is on the list, not the whole Bible, just 2 Samuel (unless I missed all the other parts being separately listed). Any ideas on that?
Always remember people, before the mask off nazis came into power, exactly this type of stuff was going on already.
Limiting acceptable books, wonky laws designed to take away medical access for minority groups or that criminalized certain activities that assumed at things minority groups regularly engage in.
The nazis didn’t go instant balls to the walls holocaust on day 1. And anti-semitism was already being pushed and enforced as a cultural norm before hitler got elected. And it also didn’t start with jews. Colored and especially LGBTQ people were practically the second main-target of nazis that were attacked more openly long before jews became the public focus (+they weren’t exactly in favour of womens rights either)
In short, we’re seeing a repeat of the timeframe inbetween 1929 and 1934 Germany right now. America is building up the resentment just like back then and all you’ll need is a charismatic dictator to trick enough people into electing them into power for things to advance to what early nazi Germany was like.
Florida’s entire premise is that learning these things in school is what makes their poor helpless citizens woke.
The next argument will be that they aren’t seeing the compliance to the right type of thinking so they are going to need anti-woke classes to overcome the bias of all the woke teachers.
What certain states are doing is not new, it’s not unique, and it ALWAYS leads to the same outcome. People with means will send their kids elsewhere and people without means will just lower their head and accept it. Creating a new generation of citizens who accept more loss of freedom.
Sparred4Life says
At this point in surprised the list wasn’t just one book for K-PhD students.
jh937hfiu3hrhv9 says
Some people need to woke up and go back to school.
bjb406 says
So do I understand right that there’s only 350 books that aren’t banned?
Riptide360 says
Banning books is a freedom of speech issue for authors. DeSantis is a disaster with taking reading rights away at public schools. DeSantis used to be a private school history teacher. He knows what he is doing is wrong, but it is a well worn path to tyranny. Elites wanting to be masters of ill educated wage slaves.
DoubleDickel says
Approved reading list = book bans = Nazis/fascism
I would expect a Republican governor to strongly defend Freedom of Speech, Constitution, individual rights, and rejection of government intrusion.
I guess Florida will be ok if the next Amendment they ditch is the Second Amendment.
Oh, wait. Never mind…
chernobyl169 says
I’d bet my life savings that *Fahrenheit 451* is not approved.
restore_democracy says
Should be cheap to build libraries when all the books allowed can fit on one shelf.
nardlz says
Kind of odd that 2 Samuel is on the list, not the whole Bible, just 2 Samuel (unless I missed all the other parts being separately listed). Any ideas on that?
pondo13 says
Which grade did they assign Mein Kampf to?
bonertootz says
“nineth” and “twelth” for those looking for it
walkingtalkingdread says
Antigone is on there twice.
dubbsmqt says
So the party of small government wants to only read government approved works?
Elanapoeia says
Always remember people, before the mask off nazis came into power, exactly this type of stuff was going on already.
Limiting acceptable books, wonky laws designed to take away medical access for minority groups or that criminalized certain activities that assumed at things minority groups regularly engage in.
The nazis didn’t go instant balls to the walls holocaust on day 1. And anti-semitism was already being pushed and enforced as a cultural norm before hitler got elected. And it also didn’t start with jews. Colored and especially LGBTQ people were practically the second main-target of nazis that were attacked more openly long before jews became the public focus (+they weren’t exactly in favour of womens rights either)
In short, we’re seeing a repeat of the timeframe inbetween 1929 and 1934 Germany right now. America is building up the resentment just like back then and all you’ll need is a charismatic dictator to trick enough people into electing them into power for things to advance to what early nazi Germany was like.
meetjoehomo says
Dictionary must not have been an approved book
laythor says
Florida’s entire premise is that learning these things in school is what makes their poor helpless citizens woke.
The next argument will be that they aren’t seeing the compliance to the right type of thinking so they are going to need anti-woke classes to overcome the bias of all the woke teachers.
What certain states are doing is not new, it’s not unique, and it ALWAYS leads to the same outcome. People with means will send their kids elsewhere and people without means will just lower their head and accept it. Creating a new generation of citizens who accept more loss of freedom.