Combustion of dried cannabis flower is definitely a strong odor. Love/Hate usually depends on your relationship with the plant.
The future of cannabis, however, should move away from combustion as burnt carbon in your lungs is not good no matter the source.
Federal legalization, or at least rescheduling, would allow for greater funding resources for research into safer ingestion methods that don’t create second-hand experiences.
Because one of the byproducts of sugar is something called bagasse. Which smells freaking horrible. And you can smell it for miles. Not just from your nextdoor neighbor’s.
backpackwayne says
Well then half of congress should be criminalized then.
Nesneros70 says
That’s funny because the smell of marijuana is what makes me want to smoke it.
kevinds says
When he does the same for tobacco, maybe I’ll take him seriously about this.
menlindorn says
No, Ron. That’s *you*.
Chard069 says
Gasoline and diesel fuels stink. Be consistent, guvnah. Ban-em in Florida. While you’re at it, underarm odors should be illegal too, hey?
WiseChoices says
It is a sickening stench…
SweatyYogaPuss says
Bitch never smelled some Pink Pineapple Express you know what I mean… Lol
New_Insect_Overlords says
Combustion of dried cannabis flower is definitely a strong odor. Love/Hate usually depends on your relationship with the plant.
The future of cannabis, however, should move away from combustion as burnt carbon in your lungs is not good no matter the source.
Federal legalization, or at least rescheduling, would allow for greater funding resources for research into safer ingestion methods that don’t create second-hand experiences.
Unclehomer69420 says
DeSantis should be criminalized for his putrid policies and morals.
arcphoenix13 says
….so we should ban processed sugar?
Because one of the byproducts of sugar is something called bagasse. Which smells freaking horrible. And you can smell it for miles. Not just from your nextdoor neighbor’s.
tukekairo says
DeSantis has a Putrid Odor
Realist_driB says
Let’s ban beer too because of the uh taste yeah the taste!
radleft says
Alcohol smells like it can blow up.
brownsfan760 says
Fuck this fascist hall monitor.
Kind_Bullfrog_4073 says
Why not just ban noses?