Banning “1984” would almost create a tear/ripple in the space/time continuum… and I’m not sure that won’t happen at some point in the future in Florida.
I see Fahrenheit 451 is on the list of approved books. All the students should read and have classroom discussion about that one so they can understand the motivations behind the book bans.
Narrow_Competition41 says
Banning “1984” would almost create a tear/ripple in the space/time continuum… and I’m not sure that won’t happen at some point in the future in Florida.
Kaitensatsuma says
That just tells me they never actually read 1984.
There’s ***sex*** in it and I was pretty sure that was their ~~excuse~~ reason for banning a lot of books.
orange_pill76 says
I see Fahrenheit 451 is on the list of approved books. All the students should read and have classroom discussion about that one so they can understand the motivations behind the book bans.
mymar101 says
I’m actually shocked. Everyone needs to read it.
CajuNerd says
So, is it a list of 350 books approved *so far*, or is this just, *it*?
trucorsair says
Probably rewritten to make it a “good thing”
snash222 says
But is it mandatory reading?
marvelmon says
All state public schools have an approved book list. Florida is not different.
Having 1984 on a list of 350 books is a good thing.
rpapafox says
A dystopian state government allowing books critical of dystopian state governments. How dystopian.