Facility that sent live resident to funeral home in a body bag is fined $10,000 | Category: General Source
Midarenkov says
So for a 10000 dollar fee, we can make soylent green out of anyone we don’t like?
Your-MeeMaw says
I thought this was a story from India lol. Not too different
Broomstick73 says
Wow. So multiple people – nurse, funeral home director decided she was dead?
2_Sheds_Jackson says
> I don’t want to go on the cart!
> Oh, don’t be such a baby.
FreudoBaggage says
Someone ***really*** wanted a break from Mr. Johnson’s constant bed wetting.
iiiinthecomputer says
Returned to the facility that just tried to kill her…
Extension_Pay_1572 says
It was just a prank bro