There’s a reason why the alt right furry convention free fur all was laughed at both by the furries and those not in the fandom.
They also were banned from all the surrounding hotels cause they kept getting caught posting death threats against various minority groups in their official chat and non attendees would forward screenshots to the hotels.
Furries are literally 70%+ queer according to years of research and polling by furscience, of course they’re gonna get backlash to their homophobia they don’t see in their conservative circles and they deserve every single bit.
I do weird stuff inside my house and miss when people just stayed closeted about their weird interests. We don’t need to know about this, now I’m participating in it more than I wanted by knowing it exists
Hi_Im_Dadbot says
Ya … I can’t even process that one.
PenguinDeluxe says
Are they stupid?
MirroredGarageWalls says
… Oh, man. Talk about being worried about the exact ***wrong fucking thing***.
lastprophecy says
Evangelicals and furries. A more natural combination hasn’t been seen since OJ and toothpaste.
Ainell says
Maybe they should stop having anti-gay beliefs then.
This broke my brain.
Towboat421 says
I simply want to leave this earth behind and wander the vast depths of space alone.
Ltates says
There’s a reason why the alt right furry convention free fur all was laughed at both by the furries and those not in the fandom.
They also were banned from all the surrounding hotels cause they kept getting caught posting death threats against various minority groups in their official chat and non attendees would forward screenshots to the hotels.
Furries are literally 70%+ queer according to years of research and polling by furscience, of course they’re gonna get backlash to their homophobia they don’t see in their conservative circles and they deserve every single bit.
Rusalka-rusalka says
God’s Plan ™️
alexportman says
I’m just glad that FINALLY we’re talking about the real issues
Metrack14 says
[This sums up my thoughts](
SevenJuicyBoxOfJoy says
If it happens, they deserve it. There i said it
Icanwheelie says
I do weird stuff inside my house and miss when people just stayed closeted about their weird interests. We don’t need to know about this, now I’m participating in it more than I wanted by knowing it exists
jonfitt says
They’re almost r/SelfAwarewolves
JoakimSpinglefarb says